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multi_predicates.h 文件参考


struct  libMesh::Predicates::multi_predicate
struct  libMesh::Predicates::abstract_multi_predicate< T >
struct  libMesh::Predicates::movable_il< T >
 Helper object for creating a std::vector from a std::initializer_list 更多...
struct  libMesh::Predicates::IsNull< T >
 Used to iterate over nullptr entries in a container. 更多...
struct  libMesh::Predicates::NotNull< T >
 Used to iterate over non-nullptr entries in a container. 更多...
struct  libMesh::Predicates::Active< T >
 Used to iterate over non-nullptr, active entries in a container. 更多...
struct  libMesh::Predicates::NotActive< T >
 Used to iterate over non-nullptr, inactive entries in a container. 更多...
struct  libMesh::Predicates::Ancestor< T >
 Used to iterate over non-nullptr, entries that have children (i.e. 更多...
struct  libMesh::Predicates::NotAncestor< T >
 Used to iterate over non-nullptr, entries that have no children (i.e. 更多...
struct  libMesh::Predicates::SubActive< T >
 Used to iterate over non-nullptr, subactive entries (i.e. 更多...
struct  libMesh::Predicates::NotSubActive< T >
 Used to iterate over non-nullptr, non-subactive entries (i.e. 更多...
struct  libMesh::Predicates::Local< T >
 Used to iterate over non-nullptr, local entries (i.e. 更多...
struct  libMesh::Predicates::ActiveSemiLocal< T >
 Used to iterate over non-nullptr, semi-local entries (i.e. 更多...
struct  libMesh::Predicates::FaceLocal< T >
 Used to iterate over non-nullptr, face-local entries (i.e. 更多...
struct  libMesh::Predicates::NotLocal< T >
 Used to iterate over non-nullptr, non-local entries in a container. 更多...
struct  libMesh::Predicates::ActiveNotLocal< T >
 Used to iterate over non-nullptr, active, non-local entries in a container. 更多...
struct  libMesh::Predicates::Type< T >
 Used to iterate over non-nullptr, elements of a given geometric type. 更多...
struct  libMesh::Predicates::ActiveType< T >
 Used to iterate over non-nullptr, active elements of a given geometric type. 更多...
struct  libMesh::Predicates::Flagged< T >
 Used to iterate over non-nullptr, elements with a given refinement flag. 更多...
struct  libMesh::Predicates::FlaggedPID< T >
 Used to iterate over non-nullptr, elements with a given refinement flag belonging to a given processor. 更多...
struct  libMesh::Predicates::ActivePID< T >
 Used to iterate over non-nullptr, active elements owned by a given processor. 更多...
struct  libMesh::Predicates::ActiveLocal< T >
 Used to iterate over non-nullptr, active, local elements owned by a given processor. 更多...
struct  libMesh::Predicates::PID< T >
 Used to iterate over non-nullptr elements owned by a given processor. 更多...
struct  libMesh::Predicates::BID< T >
 Used to iterate over non-nullptr elements on the boundary with a given ID. 更多...
struct  libMesh::Predicates::BND< T >
 Used to iterate over non-nullptr elements on the boundary. 更多...
struct  libMesh::Predicates::NotPID< T >
 Used to iterate over non-nullptr elements not owned by a given processor. 更多...
struct  libMesh::Predicates::Level< T >
 Used to iterate over non-nullptr elements of a specified (refinement) level. 更多...
struct  libMesh::Predicates::NotLevel< T >
 Used to iterate over non-nullptr elements not of a specified (refinement) level. 更多...
struct  libMesh::Predicates::LocalLevel< T >
 Used to iterate over non-nullptr local elements with a specified (refinement) level. 更多...
struct  libMesh::Predicates::LocalNotLevel< T >
 Used to iterate over non-nullptr local elements not of a specified (refinement) level. 更多...
struct  libMesh::Predicates::ActiveOnBoundary< T >
 Used to iterate over non-nullptr, active elements which are on the boundary. 更多...
struct  libMesh::Predicates::BoundarySide< T >
 Used to iterate over the sides of an element which are on the boundary of the Mesh. 更多...
struct  libMesh::Predicates::ActiveLocalSubdomain< T >
 Used to iterate over non-nullptr, active elements with a given PID on a given subdomain. 更多...
struct  libMesh::Predicates::ActiveSubdomain< T >
 Used to iterate over non-nullptr, active elements on a given subdomain. 更多...
struct  libMesh::Predicates::ActiveSubdomainSet< T >
 Used to iterate over non-nullptr, active elements whose subdomains are in a user-specified set. 更多...
struct  libMesh::Predicates::ActiveLocalSubdomainSet< T >
 Used to iterate over non-nullptr, active elements with a given PID whose subdomains are in a user-specified set. 更多...
struct  libMesh::Predicates::Ghost< T >
 Used to iterate over non-nullptr elements not owned by a given processor but semi-local to that processor, i.e. 更多...
struct  libMesh::Predicates::Evaluable< T >
 Used to iterate over elements where solutions indexed by a given DofMap are evaluable for a given variable var_num. 更多...
struct  libMesh::Predicates::MultiEvaluable< T >
 Used to iterate over elements where solutions indexed by a given vector of DofMaps are evaluable for all variables. 更多...


 The libMesh namespace provides an interface to certain functionality in the library.
 This namespace defines several multi_predicates which are used by the element and node iterators.


template<typename T >
using libMesh::Predicates::pred_ptr = std::unique_ptr< predicate< T >>


template<class T >
std::vector< T > libMesh::Predicates::make_vec (std::initializer_list< movable_il< T > > il)
 Helper function that creates a std::vector from an initializer_list of movable_il objects. 更多...