boost | |
  multiprecision | |
   detail | |
    is_lossy_conversion< libMesh::NumericVector< T >, To > | |
  GetPot | GetPot - A class for parsing command line arguments and configuration files |
   ltstr | Helper functor for creating sets of C-style strings |
   variable | Variable to be specified on the command line or in input files |
 libMesh | The libMesh namespace provides an interface to certain functionality in the library |
  DenseMatrices | 为密集矩阵提供 Typedefs |
  libMeshPrivateData | Namespaces don't provide private data, so let's take the data we would like private and put it in an obnoxious namespace |
  MacroFunctions | |
  Parallel | |
  Predicates | This namespace defines several multi_predicates which are used by the element and node iterators |
   multi_predicate | |
   abstract_multi_predicate | |
   movable_il | Helper object for creating a std::vector from a std::initializer_list https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46737054/vectorunique-ptra-using-initialization-list |
   IsNull | Used to iterate over nullptr entries in a container |
   NotNull | Used to iterate over non-nullptr entries in a container |
   Active | Used to iterate over non-nullptr, active entries in a container |
   NotActive | Used to iterate over non-nullptr, inactive entries in a container |
   Ancestor | Used to iterate over non-nullptr, entries that have children (i.e |
   NotAncestor | Used to iterate over non-nullptr, entries that have no children (i.e |
   SubActive | Used to iterate over non-nullptr, subactive entries (i.e |
   NotSubActive | Used to iterate over non-nullptr, non-subactive entries (i.e |
   Local | Used to iterate over non-nullptr, local entries (i.e |
   ActiveSemiLocal | Used to iterate over non-nullptr, semi-local entries (i.e |
   FaceLocal | Used to iterate over non-nullptr, face-local entries (i.e |
   NotLocal | Used to iterate over non-nullptr, non-local entries in a container |
   ActiveNotLocal | Used to iterate over non-nullptr, active, non-local entries in a container |
   Type | Used to iterate over non-nullptr, elements of a given geometric type |
   ActiveType | Used to iterate over non-nullptr, active elements of a given geometric type |
   Flagged | Used to iterate over non-nullptr, elements with a given refinement flag |
   FlaggedPID | Used to iterate over non-nullptr, elements with a given refinement flag belonging to a given processor |
   ActivePID | Used to iterate over non-nullptr, active elements owned by a given processor |
   ActiveLocal | Used to iterate over non-nullptr, active, local elements owned by a given processor |
   PID | Used to iterate over non-nullptr elements owned by a given processor |
   BID | Used to iterate over non-nullptr elements on the boundary with a given ID |
   BND | Used to iterate over non-nullptr elements on the boundary |
   NotPID | Used to iterate over non-nullptr elements not owned by a given processor |
   Level | Used to iterate over non-nullptr elements of a specified (refinement) level |
   NotLevel | Used to iterate over non-nullptr elements not of a specified (refinement) level |
   LocalLevel | Used to iterate over non-nullptr local elements with a specified (refinement) level |
   LocalNotLevel | Used to iterate over non-nullptr local elements not of a specified (refinement) level |
   ActiveOnBoundary | Used to iterate over non-nullptr, active elements which are on the boundary |
   BoundarySide | Used to iterate over the sides of an element which are on the boundary of the Mesh |
   ActiveLocalSubdomain | Used to iterate over non-nullptr, active elements with a given PID on a given subdomain |
   ActiveSubdomain | Used to iterate over non-nullptr, active elements on a given subdomain |
   ActiveSubdomainSet | Used to iterate over non-nullptr, active elements whose subdomains are in a user-specified set |
   ActiveLocalSubdomainSet | Used to iterate over non-nullptr, active elements with a given PID whose subdomains are in a user-specified set |
   Ghost | Used to iterate over non-nullptr elements not owned by a given processor but semi-local to that processor, i.e |
   Evaluable | Used to iterate over elements where solutions indexed by a given DofMap are evaluable for a given variable var_num |
   MultiEvaluable | Used to iterate over elements where solutions indexed by a given vector of DofMaps are evaluable for all variables |
   predicate | |
   is_null | |
   not_null | |
   active | |
   not_active | |
   ancestor | |
   not_ancestor | |
   subactive | |
   not_subactive | |
   pid | |
   bid | |
   bnd | |
   semilocal_pid | |
   facelocal_pid | |
   not_pid | |
   elem_type | |
   flagged | |
   level | |
   not_level | |
   null_neighbor | |
   boundary_side | |
   subdomain | |
   subdomain_set | |
   evaluable | |
   multi_evaluable | |
  SparsityPattern | This defines the sparsity pattern, or graph, of a sparse matrix |
   Graph | |
   NonlocalGraph | |
   AugmentSparsityPattern | Abstract base class to be used to add user-defined implicit degree of freedom couplings |
   Build | This helper class can be called on multiple threads to compute the sparsity pattern (or graph) of the sparse matrix resulting from the discretization |
  TensorTools | |
   IncrementRank | |
   IncrementRank< VectorValue< T > > | |
   IncrementRank< TypeVector< T > > | |
   IncrementRank< TypeTensor< T > > | |
   IncrementRank< TensorValue< T > > | |
   IncrementRank< TypeNTensor< N, T > > | |
   DecrementRank | |
   DecrementRank< VectorValue< T > > | |
   DecrementRank< TypeVector< T > > | |
   DecrementRank< TensorValue< T > > | |
   DecrementRank< TypeTensor< T > > | |
   DecrementRank< TypeNTensor< N, T > > | |
   MakeNumber | |
   MakeNumber< std::complex< T > > | |
   MakeNumber< TypeVector< T > > | |
   MakeNumber< VectorValue< T > > | |
   MakeNumber< TypeTensor< T > > | |
   MakeNumber< TensorValue< T > > | |
   MakeNumber< TypeNTensor< N, T > > | |
   MakeReal | |
   MakeReal< std::complex< T > > | |
   MakeReal< TypeVector< T > > | |
   MakeReal< VectorValue< T > > | |
   MakeReal< TypeTensor< T > > | |
   MakeReal< TensorValue< T > > | |
   MakeReal< TypeNTensor< N, T > > | |
   MathWrapperTraits | 此辅助结构用于确定模板类是否是我们的数学结构之一, 例如TypeVector、TypeTensor及其后代 |
   MathWrapperTraits< TypeVector< T > > | 此模板特化表示模板类型是TypeVector时为true |
   MathWrapperTraits< VectorValue< T > > | 此模板特化表示模板类型是VectorValue时为true |
   MathWrapperTraits< TypeTensor< T > > | 此模板特化表示模板类型是TypeTensor时为true |
   MathWrapperTraits< TensorValue< T > > | 此模板特化表示模板类型是TensorValue时为true |
   MathWrapperTraits< TypeNTensor< N, T > > | 此模板特化表示模板类型是TypeNTensor时为true |
   MakeBaseNumber | 此模板结构用于创建基础数值类型,支持标量类型。 如果模板类型不是标量类型,则不会创建基础数值类型。 |
   MakeBaseNumber< T, typename std::enable_if< ScalarTraits< T >::value >::type > | 此模板特化表示对于标量类型,将使用MakeNumber来创建基础数值类型。 |
   MakeBaseNumber< Wrapper< T >, typename std::enable_if< MathWrapperTraits< Wrapper< T > >::value >::type > | 此模板结构用于根据模板包装类型创建基础数值类型。 如果模板类型不是数学包装类型,则不会创建基础数值类型。 |
   TensorTraits | 此模板结构用于获取张量的特性,包括张量的秩。 默认情况下,它被断言为false,需要为特定类型进行特化。 |
   TensorTraits< T, typename std::enable_if< ScalarTraits< T >::value >::type > | 此模板特化表示对于标量类型,张量秩为0。 |
   TensorTraits< TypeVector< T > > | 此模板特化表示对于TypeVector类型,张量秩为1。 |
   TensorTraits< VectorValue< T > > | 此模板特化表示对于VectorValue类型,张量秩为1。 |
   TensorTraits< TypeTensor< T > > | 此模板特化表示对于TypeTensor类型,张量秩为2。 |
   TensorTraits< TensorValue< T > > | 此模板特化表示对于TensorValue类型,张量秩为2。 |
   TensorTraits< TypeNTensor< N, T > > | 此模板特化表示对于TypeNTensor类型,张量秩为N,其中N是模板参数。 |
  Threads | |
  FEMFunctionBase | FEMFunctionBase是一个基类,用户可以从中派生出“函数样式”的对象,以在FEMSystem中使用。 |
  FunctionBase | FunctionBase是一个函数对象的基类,可以在某一点(可选地包括时间)进行评估。 |
  DirichletBoundary | This class allows one to associate Dirichlet boundary values with a given set of mesh boundary ids and system variable ids |
  DirichletBoundaries | We're using a class instead of a typedef to allow forward declarations and future flexibility |
  DenseVectorBase | 定义用于有限元计算的抽象稠密向量基类。 可以从这个类派生出特定的稠密向量,例如 DenseSubVectors。 |
  DenseVector | 定义用于有限元计算的稠密向量类。该类基本上是为了补充 DenseMatrix 类而设计的。 它相对于 std::vector 具有额外的功能,使其在有限元中特别有用,特别是对于方程组。 所有重写的虚拟函数都在 dense_vector_base.h 中有文档说明。 |
  DenseMatrix | 定义用于有限元类型计算的密集矩阵。 用于在求和成全局矩阵之前存储单元刚度矩阵。所有被覆盖的虚函数都记录在dense_matrix_base.h中。 |
   UseBlasLapack | 用于确定是否使用blas_lapack的辅助结构。 |
  SparseMatrix | 这是一个通用的稀疏矩阵类。该类包含了必须在派生类中覆盖的纯虚拟成员。 使用一个公共的基类允许从不同的求解器包中以不同的格式统一访问稀疏矩阵。 |
  NumericVector | 提供了不同线性代数库的向量存储方案的统一接口。 |
  DofConstraints | The constraint matrix storage format |
  DofConstraintValueMap | Storage for DofConstraint right hand sides for a particular problem |
  AdjointDofConstraintValues | Storage for DofConstraint right hand sides for all adjoint problems |
  NodeConstraints | The Node constraint storage format |
  DofMap | This class handles the numbering of degrees of freedom on a mesh |
   AugmentSendList | Abstract base class to be used to add user-defined parallel degree of freedom couplings |
   AugmentSparsityPattern | Backwards compatibility for prior AugmentSparsityPattern users |
  DofObject | The DofObject defines an abstract base class for objects that have degrees of freedom associated with them |
  CompareDofObjectsByID | Comparison object to use with DofObject pointers |
  CompareDofObjectsByPIDAndThenID | |
  Factory | Factory class definition |
  FactoryImp | Factory implementation class |
  TestClass | |
  LibMeshInit | The LibMeshInit class, when constructed, initializes the dependent libraries (e.g |
  casting_compare | |
  LogicError | A class to represent the internal "this should never happen" errors, to be thrown by "libmesh_error();" |
  NotImplemented | A class to stub for features that should be in libMesh, but haven't been written yet, to be thrown by "libmesh_not_implemented();" |
  FileError | A class representing a failed attempt by the library to open a file (or construct an fstream, etc), to be thrown by "libmesh_file_error(filename);" For ease of debugging, "filename" should include any (absolute or relative or implicit) pathname that was part of the failed open |
  ConvergenceFailure | A class representing a solver's failure to converge, to be thrown by "libmesh_convergence_failure();" This should be a last resort; more often, a solve which has failed should be reattempted after switching to a smaller timestep, adding underrelaxation, taking a smaller continuation step, etc |
  DynamicCastFailure | A class representing that a dynamic cast failed to produce expected output |
  FloatingPointException | A class representing a floating point exception |
  SolverException | A class representing an exception during a solve |
  PerfItem | Used for logging something that naturally lasts as long as some enclosing scope, such as the current function |
  Singleton | Base class for all library singleton objects |
   Setup | Abstract base class for runtime singleton setup |
  PeriodicBoundaries | We're using a class instead of a typedef to allow forward declarations and future flexibility |
  PeriodicBoundary | The definition of a periodic boundary |
  PeriodicBoundaryBase | The base class for defining periodic boundaries |
  ReferenceCountedObject | This class implements reference counting |
  ReferenceCounter | This is the base class for enabling reference counting |
  Variable | This class defines the notion of a variable in the system |
  VariableGroup | This class defines a logically grouped set of variables in the system |
  AnalyticFunction | 将函数指针封装成FunctionBase对象。 |
  CompositeFEMFunction | FEMFunction函数的另一个函数。 |
  CompositeFunction | 将不同函数的结果组合成单个向量的函数。所有重写的虚拟函数在function_base.h中都有文档。 |
  ConstFEMFunction | 由Roy Stogner创作 2012年 |
  ConstFunction | 由Roy Stogner创作 2012年 |
  DenseMatrixBase | 为有限元类型的计算定义了一个抽象的稠密矩阵基类。例如 DenseSubMatrices 可以从这个类派生出来。 |
  DenseSubMatrix | 为有限元类型的计算定义密集子矩阵。 在将元素刚度矩阵相加到全局矩阵之前存储非常有用,特别是在存在方程组时。 所有重写的虚拟函数在 dense_matrix_base.h 中有文档。 |
  DenseSubVector | 定义了一个用于有限元计算的稠密子向量。 在将元素载荷向量累加到全局向量之前存储这些载荷向量时特别有用,尤其是在存在方程组的情况下。 所有重写的虚拟函数在 dense_vector_base.h 中有文档说明。 |
  DiagonalMatrix | 对角矩阵类,其底层存储是一个向量 |
  DistributedVector | 该类提供了一个简单的并行分布式向量数据类型, 专门用于 libmesh。提供了一些集体通信功能。 |
  ShellMatrix | 通用的Shell矩阵,即一个仅定义其对向量的作用的矩阵。此类包含必须在派生类中重写的纯虚拟成员。 |
  EigenPreconditioner | EigenPreconditioner 类提供了对 Eigen 库中预处理器集合的接口。 |
  EigenSparseVector | This class provides a nice interface to the Eigen C++-based data structures for serial vectors |
  EigenSparseLinearSolver | |
  EigenSparseMatrix | EigenSparseMatrix 类包装了来自 Eigen 库的稀疏矩阵对象。 |
  LaspackVector | 这个类为基于laspackc的串行向量数据结构提供了一个很好的接口。 所有被覆盖的虚函数都记录在numeric_vector.h中。 |
  LaspackLinearSolver | |
  LaspackMatrix | LaspackMatrix类封装了Laspack库中的QMatrix对象。 目前,Laspack仅支持实数数据类型,因此这个类是对 SparseMatrix<T> 的全特化,其中 T = Real。 所有重写的虚拟函数在 sparse_matrix.h 中有文档说明。 |
  LumpedMassMatrix | 模板类用于构造集中质量矩阵。 可能还有用于计算与整体系统缩放相关的数量。每当在此类上调用 add 方法时,我们都会将提供的值的绝对值相加到行索引 i 中。 |
  ParsedFEMFunction | ParsedFEMFunction 提供对 FEMSystem 中基于 FParser 的解析函数的支持。 |
  ParsedFEMFunctionParameter | 访问器对象,允许读取和修改参数灵敏度计算中的独立变量。 |
  ParsedFunction | 通过解析数学表达式生成(通过 FParser)的函数。所有重写的虚拟函数在 function_base.h 中都有文档说明。 |
  ParsedFunctionParameter | 访问器对象,允许在参数敏感性计算中读取和修改参数的独立变量。 |
  PetscMatrix | 这个类提供了一个方便的接口,用于操作并行稀疏矩阵的 PETSc C 库数据结构。 所有覆盖的虚拟函数都在 sparse_matrix.h 中有详细的文档说明。 |
  PetscShellMatrix | 这个类允许使用 PETSc shell 矩阵。 所有覆盖的虚拟函数都在 shell_matrix.h 中有文档说明。 |
  PetscSolverException | A specialization of the SolverException class for PETSc |
  PetscVector | 该类提供了一个良好的接口,用于访问 PETSc 的 Vec 对象。所有重写的虚拟函数都在 numeric_vector.h 中有文档说明。 |
  Preconditioner | 该类提供了一个统一的接口,用于预处理器。此基类可继承,以包装来自不同软件包(如 PETSc 或 Trilinos)的预处理器。 |
  RawFieldType | What underlying data type would we need to access in each field? |
  RawFieldType< Number > | |
  RawFieldType< Gradient > | |
  RawFieldType< Tensor > | |
  RawFieldType< TypeNTensor< 3, Number > > | |
  RawFieldType< Real > | |
  RawFieldType< RealGradient > | |
  RawFieldType< RealTensor > | |
  RawFieldType< TypeNTensor< 3, Real > > | |
  RawAccessor | This class provides single index access to FieldType (i.e |
  RawAccessor< TypeNTensor< N, ScalarType > > | Stub implementations for stub TypeNTensor object |
  RefinementSelector | 这个抽象类提供了一个接口,用于选择在给定网格中的每个元素上要使用的细化类型。 目前我们假设一组元素已经被标记为 h 细化,而唯一的具体子类将会更改其中一些元素以标记为 p 细化。 未来的子类可能会处理各向异性细化。 |
  SparseShellMatrix | 允许将任何SparseMatrix对象用作壳矩阵的类。 |
  SumShellMatrix | 将任意数量的壳矩阵组合成一个单独的壳矩阵,通过将它们相加在一起的类。 |
  TensorShellMatrix | 由两个向量的张量积构成的壳矩阵,即A = v*w^T。 |
  TypeVector | 该类定义了一个在 LIBMESH_DIM 维度空间中类型为 T 的向量。 |
  VectorValue | 此类定义了LIBMESH_DIM维的实数或复数空间中的向量。 |
   rebind | |
  TypeTensor | This class defines a tensor in LIBMESH_DIM dimensional space of type T |
  TensorValue | 此类定义了LIBMESH_DIM维度的实数或复数空间中的张量。typedef RealTensorValue总是定义为实数值的张量, 而NumberTensorValue则根据库的配置定义为实数或复数值的张量。 |
   rebind | |
  TypeNTensor | 该类最终将定义一个在类型为T的LIBMESH_DIM维空间中的N阶张量。 |
  EpetraMatrix | 此类提供了对Epetra数据结构的并行、稀疏矩阵的友好接口。所有重写的虚拟函数在sparse_matrix.h中都有文档。 |
  EpetraVector | 此类提供了对Trilinos Epetra_Vector对象的友好接口。所有重写的虚拟函数在numeric_vector.h中都有文档。 |
  TrilinosPreconditioner | 这个类提供了一个接口,用于使用Trilinos提供的预条件器套件。 所有重写的虚拟函数在preconditioner.h中有文档说明。 |
  tuple_n | |
  tuple_n< 0, T > | |
  TypeTensorColumn | 表示 TypeTensorColumn 类,用于访问 TypeTensor 的列并进行写操作。 |
  ConstTypeTensorColumn | 表示 ConstTypeTensorColumn 类,用于访问 TypeTensor 的列并进行只读操作。 |
  CompareTypes< TypeVector< T >, TypeVector< T > > | |
  CompareTypes< TypeVector< T >, TypeVector< T2 > > | |
  CompareTypes< VectorValue< T >, VectorValue< T > > | |
  CompareTypes< VectorValue< T >, VectorValue< T2 > > | |
  CompareTypes< VectorValue< T >, TypeVector< T2 > > | |
  CompareTypes< TypeVector< T >, VectorValue< T2 > > | |
  WrappedFunction | 将libMesh风格的函数指针封装成FunctionBase对象。 |
  WrappedFunctor | 该类提供了一个包装器,用于在FunctionBase<Output>兼容接口中评估(libMesh风格的)函数指针。 |
  WrappedPetsc | |
  ZeroFunction | ConstFunction that simply returns 0 |
 libMeshEnums | |
 MetaPhysicL | |
  RawType< libMesh::DenseMatrix< T > > | |
  RawType< libMesh::DenseVector< T > > | |
  RawType< libMesh::TensorValue< T > > | |
  ReplaceAlgebraicType< libMesh::TensorValue< T >, U > | |
  RawType< libMesh::TypeTensor< T > > | |
  ReplaceAlgebraicType< libMesh::TypeTensor< T >, U > | |
  RawType< libMesh::TypeVector< T > > | |
  ReplaceAlgebraicType< libMesh::TypeVector< T >, U > | |
  RawType< libMesh::VectorValue< T > > | |
  ReplaceAlgebraicType< libMesh::VectorValue< T >, U > | |
 std | |
  plus< boost::multiprecision::float128 > | |
  multiplies< boost::multiprecision::float128 > | |
 TIMPI | |
 variant_filter_iterator | Original Authors: Corwin Joy * Michael Gradman cjoy@.nosp@m.hous.nosp@m.ton.r.nosp@m.r.co.nosp@m.m * Micha.nosp@m.el.G.nosp@m.radma.nosp@m.n@ca.nosp@m.minus.nosp@m..com Caminus, Suite 1150, Two Allen Center, 1200 Smith Street, Houston, TX 77002 This class is an extension of variant_bidirectional_iterator to a filter_iterator similar to boost's |
  Iter | The actual iterator object is held as a template parameter here |
  IterBase | Abstract base class for the iterator type |
  Pred | The actual predicate is held as a template parameter here |
  PredBase | Abstract base class for the predicate |