A class representing a failed attempt by the library to open a file (or construct an fstream, etc), to be thrown by "libmesh_file_error(filename);" For ease of debugging, "filename" should include any (absolute or relative or implicit) pathname that was part of the failed open. 更多...
#include <libmesh_exceptions.h>
Public 成员函数 | |
FileError (const std::string &filename, const std::string msg="") | |
A class representing a failed attempt by the library to open a file (or construct an fstream, etc), to be thrown by "libmesh_file_error(filename);" For ease of debugging, "filename" should include any (absolute or relative or implicit) pathname that was part of the failed open.
在文件 libmesh_exceptions.h 第 62 行定义.
inline |
在文件 libmesh_exceptions.h 第 65 行定义.